Under Tree Watering with CFd™ DownSpray

Posted on June 01, 2022

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As we head into summer and the days become warmer, it is important to remember trees and ornamentals that require deep root watering.

The Antelco CFd DownSpray is a 360° downward spray jet specifically designed for under tree watering.

The 45° downward spray pattern reduces the effect of wind and improves water efficiency. The spray pattern is designed to ensure even distribution across the entire wetted surface area, ensuring no over or under watered patches. The gentle spray minimizes damage to delicate foliage making it suitable for smaller shrubs and roses.

The CFd DownSpray Galvanized Rod Stake Assembly has a built-in Shut-Off clip that allows for the flow to be stopped to individual downsprays without causing disruption to the rest of the system. This makes it perfectly for nursery applications where there is a high rotation of pots.

Available in six color coded flow rate nozzle sizes, there is a CFd DownSpray to suit your watering needs.

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